.. _customization: ************************************** Customization and Global Configuration ************************************** The :file:`configrc` file ========================= This package uses a :file:`configrc` configuration file to customize certain properties. You can control a number of key features such as where your data will download to. This configuration file in a platform specific directory, which you can see the path for by running:: >>> import hermes_merit >>> hermes_merit.print_config() # doctest: +SKIP To maintain your own customizations place a copy of the default file into the *first* path printed above. Do not edit the default file directly as every time you install or update, this file will be overwritten. See below for the example config file. .. _customizing-with-dynamic-settings: Dynamic settings ================ You can also dynamically change the default settings in a Python script or interactively from the python shell. All of the settings are stored in a Python ConfigParser instance called ``sunpy.config``, which is global to the package. Settings can be modified directly, for example:: import hermes_merit hermes_merit.config.set('downloads', 'download_dir', '/home/user/Downloads') .. configrc-sample: A sample configrc file -------------------------------------------------------------------- .. only:: html `(download) <../_static/configrc>`__ .. literalinclude:: ../../hermes_merit/data/configrc